I’m looking for the script to add the MK smarthouse ledstrip to my hassio.
There are only scripts for openhab.
Can someone help me please? Can’t figure it out…
I was trying it with this config:
- platform: mqtt
name: “Led Strip”
state_topic: “stat/Ledstrip1/POWER”
state_value_template: “{{ value }}”
command_topic: “cmnd/Ledstrip1/POWER”
brightness_state_topic: “stat/Ledstrip1/DIMMER”
brightness_command_topic: “cmnd/Ledstrip1/Dimmer”
brightness_value_template: “{{ value_json.Dimmer }}”
brightness_scale: 100
rgb_state_topic: “stat/Ledstrip1/COLOR”
rgb_command_topic: “cmnd/Ledstrip1/Color2”
rgb_value_template: “{{(value_json.Channel[0]*2.55)|int}},{{(value_json.Channel[1]*2.55)|int}},{{(value_json.Channel[2]*2.55)|int}}”
effect_command_topic: “cmnd/Ledstrip1/Scheme”
effect_state_topic: “stat/Ledstrip1/SCHEME”
effect_value_template: “{{ value.Scheme }}”
Thanks a lot! and best wishes for 2019