Hey all,
I have Matt’s blind control working successfully with MQTT and openHAB.
However, 0 and 100 simply are not far enough to actually close and open my blinds. Probably need an additional 25%.
Is there any way to adjust the limits on the servo through web interface?
Edit -----
Since originally posting this, I learned that these servos are only capable of 0-180 degrees, so answered my original question. These cannot rotate beyond how Matt sends them. That is fine, it just means that I cannot go from full “open” to full “close”. More like 0 - 75% of max rotation.
New question - Are there any stronger servos that would work with Matt’s setup? Hoping to find one that would work without modifications to Matt’s code and would be about same dimensions, just a stronger motor. My blinds are probably 6’ W by about 8’ tall, so heavier than most typical blinds. Or if there was the same variety servo, but had a clutch to prevent slipping when not in use?
Appreciate y’all!