Can't access into Openhab


My Wi-Fi router is tp-link TD-W8961N, I gave my raspberry pi3 static IP (, but can’t access into it. Can u give me suggestions or solution of this problem.


Which are you having an issue accessing. your Pi or Openhab?
If it is your Pi make sure you have setup either ssh or VNC server, how ever you choose to connect. If it your openhab did you use the correct port number when logging in?


I can’t open openhab and how can I install ssh?


If you are using a Mac then SSH into the Pi using Terminal, if you are using Windows then do the same using Putty. If you can’t SSH into the server then the quickest and easiest way to find out what is going on would be to connect a monitor or some type of screen with HDMI input and then post a screen shot here of what it shows. Most likely, you don’t have a complete install of openhab on your Pi.