Don't understand how mqtt works: problems with "Path to access firmware" and "/* MQTT Settings */ // Topic which listens for commands"


hello , i want to connect my Node MCU(esp 8266) but i don’t undestand what the Path to access firmware corresponds to : for example if it have to be personalized and where do i find the info to do so.

also don’t undertand what info are used to make the mqtt address :
/* MQTT Settings /
// Topic which listens for commands.
let’s take for example this:" char
subscribeTopic = “MK-SmartHouse/utilities/MK-SonoffPowerStrip1”; "
Is MK-smarthouse just a name i can change or does it correspond to the Sitemap name.?
same for utulities

I just wanna to know the schedule in order to make a mqtt link.

I for know just wanna control my esp 8266 to power on and off a led on a breadboard .

Thanks .