Doorsensor state does not work


Hi, when i try to use my door sensor, the state in basic UI is just a small line like this Not open or closed. Mqttfx does show the state correctly.


Please, share with us your .sitemap and .items codes


Woah, please format the code next time by highlighting it and pressing the code symbol above.

//Demo items
Switch DEMOSW “Demo Switch”

List item
//Security items
Switch SecuritySystem “Alarm Anlegg”
Contact DoorSensor1 “Dør Status [%s]” { mqtt="<[broker:SmartHjem/Sikkerhet/DoorSensor1:state:default]" }


sitemap home label=“Smart Hjem”
Frame label=“Demo”
Switch item=DEMOSW
Frame label=“Info”
Switch item=DEMOSW
Frame label=“Sikkerhet”
Switch item=SecuritySystem
Text item=DoorSensor1
Frame label=“Rom Eskil”
Switch item=DEMOSW
Frame label=“Inngang”
Switch item=DEMOSW
Frame label=“Stue”
Switch item=DEMOSW
Frame label=“Bod”
Switch item=DEMOSW
Frame label=“Utendørs”
Switch item=DEMOSW

Esp8266 code:

/* WIFI Settings /
// Name of wifi network
const char ssid = “0000”;

// Password to wifi network
const char* password = “000000”;

/* Web Updater Settings /
// Host Name of Device
const char host = “DoorSensor1”;

// Path to access firmware update page (Not Neccessary to change)
const char* update_path = “/firmware”;

// Username to access the web update page
const char* update_username = “admin”;

// Password to access the web update page
const char* update_password = “admin”;

/* MQTT Settings /
// Topic which listens for commands
char outTopic = “SmartHjem/Sikkerhet/DoorSensor1”;

//MQTT Server IP Address
const char* server = “Raspberry Pi adress”;

//Unique device ID
const char* mqttDeviceID = “SmartHjemDevice1”;


ok, so i got the state to work properly. Now i only need help to get the notifications to work

//This is the rules file

//Side Door Sensor Is Open
rule "Dør Status Sensor"
   Item DoorSensor1 received update OPEN
       if(SecuritySystem.state == ON)
           sendBroadcastNotification("DØR HAR BLITT ÅPNET!!!")


Your rule seems correct, so it should work. Just try opening and closing the door to see the status, the notification should appear on your smartphone .


Thx it worked lol. Probably just a bug


how did you make it work? I am having the same issue (the status is not displayed in the UI while working fine in MQTTfx)and can’t find a way out.


You should try to check /var/log/openhab2/opehab.log


Have you figured it out yet?


How did you get it to work, I too have the same issue. I have made a seperate posting with pictures. Can you check it out and see where the error is.

Ill post here if that is more convenient for you


I had the same issue. I realized i didn’t setup MQTT properly when I SSHed into my PI.


Hi there. How do you solve the state problems? I’m facing the same error. I’ve reinstalled mqtt binding, and follow everything in this forum, but nothing change. Help me please