ESP8266 software needed


Just spent some time going through the setup of the RPi 2b+ to everything up and running. I am interested in using the LED Strip control to control the lighting for my train layout. This would simulate normal daytime to night time lighting schemes. Just to get the basic circuit running, I am looking for the code to load into the ESP8266 board to control a RGB LED for testing purposes. I watched the videos on building the Strip controller but did not find a link to the sketch used. Does any one have a link to the code used?

Thank you



Ok I found the software listing but the line in the code - #include <MQTTClient.h> is missing in my libraries.
I’m trying to find a link to where I can add it to my Arduino libraries. Any help??


In Arduino you go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries and make sure the one called MQTT by Joel Gaehwiler is installed and not the one called “MQTT Client”. I believe Matt explains that in the Door Sensor Software video. You may want to take a look at it.


Thanks for the info. After lots of searching, I did finally find that information after I posted the original message.
I am going back to the simple door switch setup and start there since I know nothing about what I’m doing as far as the openhab software is concerned. I need to do more reading and take lots of notes. At 64 my mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be but this stuff is fun to learn and I think my wife will like the ease of the final product.

Thank you for any reading material links you can offer.


You found the firmware for the led-stripe? Can you give me the software?
i would like to change something in the code

Thank youu!!