LED Strip Notifications does not work anymore


Hello Everyone, in version 2.1 the LED Strip Notifications works very wel. But after upgraden to version 2.4 (current) the LED Strip Notifications does not work anymore. In the openhab Log Viewer is the folowing error:

[WARN ] [rthome.model.script.actions.BusEvent] - Cannot convert ‘360,100,100’ to a command type which item ‘MKLEDStripControl1Color’ accepts: [HSBType, PercentType, OnOffType, IncreaseDecreaseType, RefreshType]

in the RULES file i wrote the following, according to the website description by Matt!

import java.util.Map
var map hsbValueTemp1 = null

var HSBType hsbValue
var int redValue
var int greenValue
var int blueValue
var String RGBvalues

rule “xxxxxxx”


Item MKDoorSensor1 received update OPEN

hsbValueTemp1 = storeStates(MKLEDStripControl1Color)
sendCommand(MKLEDStripControl1Color, “360,100,100”)
createTimer(now.plusSeconds(12)) [|
restoreStates (hsbValueTemp1)

   if(SecuritySystem.state == ON)


       sendBroadcastNotification("SECURITY SYSTEM: xxxxxx  is  OPEN")



Who can help me? Thanks in advance. Richard (the Netherlands)