MK-Blindcontrol Firmware V8 moved to


Mk-blindcontrol firmware V8 has now been placed on the github system


Awesome…always wanted to ‘tinker’ with your code. FYI…it may be best now to move the “call home” for the Version Check to GitHub rather than your own server. Changing this:

String url = "";


String url = "";

Also, I’ll IM you some changes you can make on the “Home Assistant Auto Discovery with TILT” code section now that
platform: MQTT
is depreciated replaced by


Thanks for feedback.

This is part of the code to generate discovery.
Could you let me know which variable needs changing.

I have setup a new instance oh home assistant and the current auto discovry still works…

root["platform"] = "mqtt";
root["~"] = _identifier;
root["name"] = String(mqtt_topic);
root["unique_id"] = _identifier;
root["command_topic"] = "cmnd/"+_identifier+"/POWER";
root["state_topic"] =  "stat/"+_identifier+"/STATE";
root["availability_topic"] = "tele/"+_identifier+"/LWT";
root["retain"] = false;
root["payload_open"] = "0";
root["payload_close"] = "100";
root["state_open"] = "0";
root["state_closed"] = "100";
root["payload_available"] = "Online";
root["payload_not_available"] = "Offline";

if (String(auto_discovery) == "ENABLED-TILT")
root["position_open"] = 0;
root["position_closed"] = 100;
root["tilt_command_topic"] = "cmnd/"+_identifier+"/tilt";
root["tilt_status_topic"] = "stat/"+_identifier+"/tilt-state";
root["tilt_min"] = 0;
root["tilt_max"] = 100;
root["tilt_closed_value"] = 0;
root["tilt_opened_value"] = 100;
root["device_class"] = "blind";

Help file in GUI will be pointing to github WiKi in next compile

the firmware is encoded for http at this stage, I have started to implement https but does come with some overheads.
Work in progress to get HTTPS going

Have proto version running at this stage