Home Assistan brought two, mqtt broker updates this week. Neither of my blinds have fared well since.
After the first update, neither blind would reconnect to the mqtt broker. Both finally did after restarting my wireless router. Neither would reconnect, however, after the second update. In addition, the web interface has not been accessible since the second update. Note that I’m not necessarily blaming the problems on mqtt here, the blinds are always slightly flaky until they resync after any HA update.
I finally got around to reflashing the easier of the two blinds today. The other is on a double-wide window and is more trouble to take down and put back up. After reflashing and reconfiguring the wireless, host name and mqtt access, the blind came back up but appears to be in a boot loop. The blind comes up, attaches to the mqtt broker, announces its presence and telemetry, then goes silent for a few seconds. Rinse and repeat.
This is with firmware v7.92 which I had been using mostly trouble-free for several months. I vaguely recall some problem with boot loops being mentioned a while back. Perhaps it’s my turn to get bitten by that. Regardless, I’m asking for what to do next. Mountain, if there’s any debug info I can provlide, I’m happy to try. If not, I’ll try flashing an older firmware.