Smart Dimmer using Openhab


Hi Everyone,

I am new here and I had a question. Anyone has an insight on how to make a smart dimmer for conventional LED lights that would normally be controlled by a conventional dimmer switch and that could be managed by OpenHab?

Seems like there is nothing out there…

Awaiting for your feedback.


Are your dimmers or lights connected to bluetooth or wifi?


Hi Olivier,

Seeing if I could retrofit a conventional house circuit to add a smart wifi controler to replace the regular wall mount dimmer


So you are basically looking for a wifi enabled wall dimmer?


Yes but that could be done inexpensively. So rig up like a sonoff with relays that triggers a certain intensity of the light.


Relays cannot switch to a certain intensity, only on/off. If you try this, you’re going to hear loud buzzing, and the relay will break pretty fast.

Also, you will be resposible if you build the tech to put behind the wall (i.e. if your house burns down, no insurance for you).


I know. I was thinking more of a triac. But just curious if someone had an idea to build this


You might be able to use the Wemo dimmer, that way if something happens, you have someone to sue.

But please, don’t do it yourself.


I believe there is a guide on MK Smarthouse that uses Sonoff dimmer control to control led lights.
You might take a look there.


Thanks Will.

URL by any chance?


Unfortunately there is no guide on dimming yet on MK SmartHouse