Control Devices

Custom PCB Size [LED Strip Control] (1)
Adding ledstrip to Home Assistant HASSIO [LED Strip Control] (5)
MQTT Binding 2.4 [Blinds Control] (6)
Samsung Smartthings and/or Alwxa [Blinds Control] (2)
ESP8266 software needed [LED Strip Control] (5)
Interesting in Blinds Control with Home Assistant [Blinds Control] (1)
Blinds unit not responsive [Blinds Control] (3)
How to setup LIRC for the Raspberry PI [Control Devices] (1)
Adjust Blinds Control Limits - Edit: Stronger servos? [Blinds Control] (2)
Weather binding [Blinds Control] (10)
IR Remote need some help [Control Devices] (4)
Blinds control sketch compiling issue [Blinds Control] (10)
OpenHAB UI Not operating [Blinds Control] (10)
Control a relay [Control Devices] (6)
Led strip gerber file [LED Strip Control] (4)
Water system V2 [Control Devices] (6)
Cannot control blinds only from basicUI [Blinds Control] (3)
Rules problem syntax error? [Blinds Control] (3)
Not available link [LED Strip Control] (2)
Amazon firestick [Control Devices] (2)
RGB Color Mapping Issue [LED Strip Control] (1)
Servos don't move [Blinds Control] (5)
Will Blinds work with HA? [Blinds Control] (2)
Dimension of Servo motor for custom blind installation [Blinds Control] (2)
MQTT Test to see if it is working? [LED Strip Control] (2)
NodeMCU & Sprinkler system [Sprinkler System] (2)
Creating Rules for MyQ Control [Control Devices] (4)
Having a hard time uploading MK's programs into my node mcu [Sprinkler System] (1)
Don't understand how mqtt works: problems with "Path to access firmware" and "/* MQTT Settings */ // Topic which listens for commands" [Control Devices] (1)
MK-Blinds config - MQTT login setup? [Blinds Control] (3)